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Sunday, 1 April 2012

SOLD - Polini Gp3 Reverse Proddy

DSCF1198Black and orange theme. Well looked after and in good running order.

Has a few scratches here and there but this is common on a race bike.  Comes ready to race with lots of spares.

The bike has a new clutch in that has done around 6 laps of a small circuit so should be starting to bed in.

Comes with receipts of all the parts i have bought for this bike from mcintosh polini mini moto. 





DSCF1205The spares include :

Brand new Radiator, Set of wheels with Pmt tyres, PMT T41 front Tyres (USED) and PMT B

rear (USED) with lots of life, Set of Polini Sprockets, jets, Clutch shoes ready for reline, Half worn clutch with yellow springs, Clutch spring Set, End Can, Polini chains, Denso/NGK spark plugs, High flow air filter, Spare recoil, recoil rebuild kit, brand new foot pegs, front sprockets, ignition coils, Stater + Other small spares

Looking for £540 for the lot.

Contact Michael or Dave on

0191 4881960