Polini GP4 Air Cooled.
Bought second hand, but only used a couple of time by club member Jack Hoy as they've not had the time (or room in the car) to race it.
Mike Hoy has set it up ready for Junior A racing (so ideal for the next Warden Law Race), it has silver springs with clutch shoes only just bedded in the couple of times. The bike will be provided with long and short gearing which means it will be capable of being used on all the tracks the club uses, along with full faring as pictured.
It will make an ideal step up from a 910 or if anyone is looking to move off a cag, it will take them right up through all the Junior
races in the Scottish if they want.
Mike has stripped and cleaned the bike, spent around £100 on parts getting it working from when it was bought it, so is well looked after in that sense. Only problems Mike is aware of are the seat unit has had a repair done to it but is solid enough and there is a hand made bracket ready for the steering damper if someone wants to add on (Mike has tried one on and it works fine).
Mike is looking for £400 for it and as he will provide a 6 & 7 tooth front sprocket and a 65 & 72 rear sprocket to cover typical set-ups for Warden Law. It has the wire stand as well’
Contact details for Mike Hoy are : mobile : 07796958506